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ReCtor’s Message

To, čo bolo dobré včera, dnes už nestačí a zajtra bude málo to, čo dnes napĺňa naše nároky.

Jan Amos Komenský

Studying at TUKE

Because of the interlinkage of its nine faculties with a multitude of focuses, TUKE creates a unique environment for thousands of students, almost 13% of whom come from abroad, representing up to 45 countries in the world.

The Technical University of Košice aims to be the centre of an innovational ecosystem based on internationally comparable results from cooperation with practice in scientific research and development. Achieving this aim requires the existence of an institutional platform providing suitable conditions for growing innovation in the widest sense of the word and its progressive transfer into industrial and societal practice.

The central place for these activities is the modern, intelligent building of the University Science Park called UVP TECHNICOM. This is not intended to be just a physical space, but a genuine ecosystem integrating business, education, science and research. At UVP TECHNICOM starting-out companies in particular have at their disposal the premises and services of the TUKE Startup Centre and the TUKE Incubator, including assistance and consultancy in the field of intellectual property.

The newly-equipped university scientific research centres and the individual faculty laboratories give every student and employee, as well as people from outside the University, the chance to fulfill their dreams of a successful professional career.

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